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Anna Petruseva


I provide professional medical care with an individual approach to each patient. Attention to detail and support at every stage of treatment ensure that you feel confident and comfortable.

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Haifa, Israel
The key to successful treatment is a trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient
My name is Anna Petruseva, and I am an obstetrician-gynecologist with 17 years of experience. I specialize in the treatment of various gynecological conditions, particularly focusing on treating women with hormonal disorders at different stages of life, from adolescence to menopause, as well as treating vulvar, vaginal, and cervical pathologies. Additionally, I perform plastic surgery on the external genitalia.
Regularly participate in scientific conferences and seminars both in Israel and abroad. This allows me to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in medicine and apply modern diagnostic and treatment methods.
I believe that the key to successful treatment lies in a trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient. That’s why I am always ready to listen, offer support, and provide detailed answers to any questions, helping women feel confident and at ease.
[ + ] About me
[ + ] Education & advanced training
2012 – 2018 years
Residency in Gynecology and Obstetrics at Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Israel
2019 year
Fellowship in Sexology, Budapest, Hungary
2019 – 2020 years
Course on Menopause, Tel Aviv University
2022 year
Course in Aesthetic Surgery in Gynecology
[ + ] Professional activity
Rambam Medical Center:
[ ] Head of the Menopause Clinic
[ ] Gynecologist-Sexologist in the Consulting Clinic
[ ] Gynecologist in the Clinic for Women who have experienced sexual violence
[ ] Responsible Lecturer on gynecology and obstetrics for the medical licensing exam preparation course
Sharap Plus Medical Center:
[ ] Private Practice at Sharap Plus Medical Center ( Istadrut 55, Cinema Mall, Lev HaMifratz )
Consultations and treatment for various gynecological conditions
[ + ] Services
Consultation and treatment for women with menopause symptoms, regardless of age or the cause of menopause.
Consultation and treatment for women with sexual disorders (pain during intercourse, decreased libido, difficulty achieving orgasm)
Sexual disorders
Consultation and treatment for women with vaginal and vulvar conditions (e.g., lichen sclerosus, vaginal mucosal atrophy due to menopausal changes or breast cancer therapy).
Vaginal and vulvar conditions
Botox treatment for vaginismus (spasms of the vaginal and pelvic floor muscles triggered by attempts to insert anything into the vagina).
Botox injection therapy
Consultation and treatment for women with cervical conditions (e.g., colposcopy procedure following a positive HPV test, post-coital bleeding, or the presence of a cervical polyp).
Cervical conditions
A gynecological checkup, including testing for HPV, cytology, and ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
Gynecological checkup
Treatment with hyaluronic acid injections for reshaping and resizing the labia majora, as well as for treating vaginal dryness, augmenting the G-spot, and tightening the vaginal opening.
Treatment with hyaluronic acid injections
Performing plastic surgeries on the external genitalia (labiaplasty – changing the shape of the labia majora and minora, hymenoplasty – restoration of the hymen).
Plastic surgery of the external genitalia
Selection of contraception methods, including the insertion of intrauterine devices.
Pregnancy Management
Consultation and treatment of women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Consultation and treatment of women with endometriosis
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
The main diseases, symptoms and procedures I specialize in
[ + ] Diseases, symptoms
Menopause symptoms:
[ ] hot flashes (a sensation of heat in the chest, neck, and head, often accompanied by excessive sweating, sometimes with palpitations and panic attacks)
[ ] mood disturbances leading to aggressive behavior or depression
[ ] unexplained fatigue
[ ] lack of energy
[ ] bone and joint pain
[ ] hair loss
[ ] weight gain
[ ] loss of interest in life
[ ] sleep disturbances
[ ] dry skin and mucous membranes
[ ] memory deterioration and decreased concentration
Complaints related to the genitourinary system should be noted separately:
[ ] vaginal dryness
[ ] pain during intercourse
[ ] recurrent vaginal and bladder infections (cystitis)
Regardless of the age at which a woman enters menopause, and whether it is natural or induced (as a result of ovary removal surgery or cancer treatment), it is crucial to choose the right treatment to ease the transition and prevent aging, as well as to reduce the risk of developing conditions such as osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, dementia, and other diseases.
[ ] hypersensitivity of the mucosa at the vaginal entrance and in the area of the hymenal remnants
[ ] thick and inelastic hymen
[ ] vulvar diseases
[ ] inflammation of the vaginal mucosa
[ ] endometriosis
[ ] scars after childbirth or surgical interventions in the area of the external genitalia
In any case, it is important to understand that there should be no pain during sexual intercourse, and it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Symptoms :
There is significant dystrophy of the vulvar skin and mucous membranes. Without treatment, scarring of the clitoris, thinning of the labia minora, fusion with the labia majora, and scarring of the vaginal entrance will occur.
Diagnosis requires vulvoscopy, and in some cases, a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment includes various corticosteroid creams, plasma therapy, and hyaluronic acid injections.
[ ] heavy, prolonged, irregular periods with delays or absence of menstruation
[ ] hormonal imbalance
[ ] infertility
[ ] acne and oily skin
[ ] bone and joint pain
[ ] hair loss
[ ] excessive androgen levels and ovarian cyst formation
[ ] excessive hair growth on the face or body
[ ] male-pattern baldness or hair thinning
[ ] dry skin and mucous membranes
[ ] irregular menstrual cycle
PCOS increases the risk of developing other disorders, including:
[ ] type 2 diabetes
[ ] hypertension (high blood pressure)
[ ] high cholesterol levels
PCOS is a leading cause of infertility. According to estimates, the syndrome occurs in 8–13% of women of reproductive age, with up to 70% of cases remaining undiagnosed. The symptoms of PCOS are varied and often individual.
[ ] heart disease
[ ] endometrial cancer (cancer of the uterine lining)
A diagnosis of PCOS is made when at least two of the following criteria are present:
[ 1 ] Signs and symptoms of high androgen levels (excessive hair growth on the face or body, hair loss on the head, acne, or elevated testosterone levels in a blood sample) – after ruling out other causes.
[ 2 ] Irregular menstrual cycle or absence of menstruation – after ruling out other causes.
[ 3 ] Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound.
After diagnosis, it is important to choose the right treatment.
[ ] severe, life-disrupting pain during menstruation
[ ] pain during intercourse
[ ] pain during bowel movements and/or urination
[ ] chronic pelvic pain
[ ] increased fatigue
[ ] infertility
[ ] nausea
[ ] sometimes also depression and anxiety disorder
Approximately 10% (190 million) of women and girls of reproductive age suffer from endometriosis. It can start at the first menstruation and continue until menopause.
The cause of endometriosis is unknown. It cannot be cured, but medical treatment and sometimes surgery can help reduce the symptoms of the disease.
During colposcopy, the patient is placed in a gynecological chair. For a more detailed and extended examination, the doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina for better visualization. The outer surface of the cervix is treated with a mild Lugol's solution and 3% acetic acid. This increases the informativeness of the study: affected areas of the epithelium become more defined. A colposcope, equipped with an optical lens system and a lighting element, is placed a few centimeters from the entrance.
The total duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. During this time, the condition of the cervix, vulva, vaginal walls, vascular pattern, and changes in the mucous membrane can be accurately assessed. If necessary, a biopsy is taken for further histological examination.
The procedure is most often performed for cosmetic purposes, although it can be prescribed for medical reasons, such as pain during intercourse or discomfort when wearing tight clothing due to enlarged labia minora. Healing after the surgery is quick, with scars barely noticeable in the future. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia.
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and involves stitching the remnants of the natural hymen located on the vaginal walls. Regardless of the reason, the hymen can be restored, provided the hymenal tissue remnants can be found. However, permanent hymenoplasty is not possible for women who have had multiple sexual encounters or have given birth to many children.
Patient reviews
[ + ] Reviews
Haifa, Royat
Excellent doctor! A professional in her field, I rely on Dr. Anna with my eyes closed. She is always ready to help and does it in a pleasant manner with great patience.
Treatment Type: Menopause
Doctor Anna is a professional in her field, and at the same time a very pleasant person. She gives a feeling of confidence, listens attentively to the patient and is always ready to help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Treatment Type: Menopause
Haifa, Kokhav
Excellent service!
Professional doctor and very attentive! I got answers to all my questions. Everything was explained in a very detailed and understandable form.
Treatment Type: Menopause
I went to the doctor for a colposcopy and was very scared before the test. But the doctor was very careful and the procedure went smoothly. She explained to me in great detail the plan for my further observation.
Treatment Type: Colposcopy
For the first time at a doctor's appointment, I received such a detailed, patient and friendly answer to my questions about menopause. Dr. Anna compiled a complete report on my health condition, she has an amazingly comprehensive approach to this delicate problem. Not a single detail was missed. And what is very important, and rare now - Dr. Anna understands and sympathizes with patients. I am very grateful to the doctor, I think I felt better just from a visit to a good, real doctor. I received not only medical assistance, but also moral support. Thank you very much
Treatment Type: Ultrasound
Kfar Vradim, Dor
I have been under the supervision of Dr. Anna for more than two years. Every time I come she is patient and attentive, pleasant, polite and answers all my questions in detail. The last time the doctor called me urgently and accepted me without a queue, to the detriment of her break. Dr. Anna is a very humane doctor who sees in each patient first of all a woman and an individual. I am very grateful to her and glad that I have such a doctor!
Treatment Type: Colposcopy, papilloma virus
Tel Aviv, Odalia
At the reception with Dr. Anna I had a feeling that there is someone to rely on, that there is someone who will support and calm. A very polite and friendly doctor, always ready to help even from a distance.
Treatment Type: Menopause
Professional, humane, pleasant doctor, with extensive knowledge in the field of menopause, familiar with the latest methods of treatment. Very patient and wonderful! I highly recommend!
Treatment Type: Menopause
I only go to Anna and I have recommended her to my friends. I come especially from the center. I will say right away that Anna is the most attentive doctor of all, she always explains everything, answers all questions, and gives advice. And I know that I am not the only one who thinks so. In general, I sincerely recommend that you contact her!
Treatment Type: women's clinic
I recently moved to Haifa and was looking for my female doctor. I got to Dr. Anna on recommendation. A professional with a capital letter! Extremely attentive, responsive, clarified all the questions concerning my problem, took the necessary measures. Explained and told everything in a clear and accessible language! Thank you
Treatment Type: Pain during intercourse
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[ + ] Contacts
[ + ] Address
Sharap plus clinic
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